September 11th

     So, I'm going to assume you all know what happened on September 11, 2001. Even though the majority of us were not born yet we all the date pretty well. Afterall it is one of the most tragic moments in our country's history and we are the generation that came after it. So instead of retelling you the story of 9/11, I'm going to tell you about my experience at the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial in Washington D.C.
     When I was in 8th grade, for our class trip, we went to Washington D.C. While we were there we visited the 9/11 memorial at the Pentagon. It was one of my favorites places we went to. It is made up of benches shaped like airplane wings. They all have water and a light under them and engraved into a stone under the water is the person's family members if they died together. Each bench faces either the sky or the Pentagon depending on if the person died on the plane or in the building.  It was one of the most moving experiences I have ever had. If you are ever in D.C. please go see it. It is so beautiful and special.


  1. In your second sentence you said major I think you meant majority.

  2. It is a cool perspective since you got to go see the memorial in Washington. I like how you started off by saying you weren't going to retell the story.


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