Reading Response: Week 5

      So, I am still reading Glass Sword and Something For Joey. Although its been slow going the last week. If anyone is in Honors World History and had to read that Taking Sides thing. That take me forever to read and the opposing argument was written poorly. It also took up ten pages! I am excited to debate that in class. Anyone else?
      As for the books I have been reading. Glass Sword is still interesting which is good. I think it might over due at the library. Oops! The main characters are still not out of the woods yet. The action hasn't slowed down enough yet to tell us what their gameplay is. And in Something For Joey, Joey is in a coma. We are waiting to see if he wakes up. I think he is going to. He has to, there wouldn't be a story without him.


  1. I am in Honors World History and had to read the taking sides essay. I agree it was extremely long.


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