Purple Hibiscus

     Purple Hibiscus is going to be a very interesting book. So, far we have been able to see a range of complex characters and character relationships. There are a lot of subtle connections between the real world and the world within the walls of the house. It has been quite disturbing. There is a lot of abuse in the household that is considered normal. I, personally, am more disturbed by Purple Hibiscus than I was Lord of the Flies.
     There is a lot to connect between the three books we have read this year. They all have touched on topics that we do not normally talk or think about. There is a strong connection between Purple Hibiscus and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian as they both deal with parental abuse. While Arnold's parents never hit him, his father's substance abuse lead to the emotional abuse Arnold felt.  This is a big thing I have noticed in Purple Hibiscus and I am interested to see was other connections there are between these stories and characters.
