Lord of the Flies

     I really don't know how I feel about this book. It is different from anything I have ever read. I read the Hatchet when I was in 6th grade. So, I expected LOTF to be fairly similar. I was so wrong. The books could not be more different from each other. The only similarity is the fact that a plane crashes leaving a boy(s) all alone. I thought I was going in with an idea but I was actually totally blind.
     However, I do know that I hate Jack. He is insane and yet everyone follows him. Piggy is a genius. He has some actual logical ideas and Jack in mean to him. I think I like Ralph, but he has these moments where he scares me. Like he is losing his mind. I really hope he stays normal. This book bothers me for whatever reason but I like watching the characters.


  1. I like how you compare LOTF to Hatchet because they are thought of as similar books but you made it clear they in fact, are not. I highly agree with your opinion of Jack!


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