When in your life have you been a leader?

     While looking through that fairly long list of prompts, I found this one. I figured it would be one that not many people would do and one that I immediately had an idea for. I went to a K through 8th grade school before Episcopal. At this school, our softball team was made up of girls in 5th through 8th grade. It was my 8th grade year on the softball field that I first truly felt like a leader. 
     As 8th graders, we were the "leaders" on campus. I did not feel like a leader or really act like one until softball season. To be fair softball season is in the fall and practices start not long after school does. Now, out of the four 8th graders, I was the one that led the stretches and answered the younger girls' questions. I did not think very much of until one practice one of the 5th graders asked me if I was team captain. The other 8th grade girls were quick to explain that we did not have a team captain. She looked up at them with confusion in her eyes and then shrugged her shoulders and explained that she thought I should be team captain if I wasn't already and that either way I was her team captain. Then I saw all the other non-8th grade girls nod in agreement. It was in that moment I realized just how much those sweet little girls looked up to me. It was one of the greatest moments of my 8th grade year and one of my fondest softball memories.  


  1. It's so cute how the girl called you her team captain! This is a really sweet story and you did a nice job responding to this prompt.


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