Political Article

South Carolina Congressman Pulls Out Gun at a Meeting With Voters 

     Representative Ralph Norman was having a meeting with voters over coffee at around eight in the morning. The conversation started off normal until Mr. Norman pulled out his personal handgun and placed it on the table. Mr. Norman explains how he asked the voters if they felt uncomfortable or unsafe and none of them expressed any concern with the gun. He explains how he was not breaking any laws and was trying to so that guns themselves are not dangerous. The representative experienced a lot of negative feedback for his action. 
    I believe that Mr. Norman did nothing wrong. He was not breaking any laws, pointed the gun away from the people, and asked multiple times if anyone was uncomfortable. He was making a point about guns. Nothing happened and no one was hurt. There is a lot of unrest in the country over guns. The button line is that guns do not kill people, people kill people. The guns are not the problem and are not unsafe when handled properly as Mr. Norman tried to express. 


  1. I like how you focused on the facts but also gave your opinion. I do also believe he did nothing wrong and that people kill people guns kill people.


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