PH Reading Response

     Purple Hibiscus is a very well written. It has very developed characters and using a lot of imagery. It also talks about abuse. This is something society wants to forget happens. And when you are apart of the world we live in it is easy to forget. It's easy to forget that not everyone lives the same life or has the same things as the kids at Episcopal. 
    I just can not relate to Kambili. I grew up being allowed to express myself and she can not. While I read, I find myself getting upset and wishing that Kambili would just say something. Stand up for herself. And even though I know she can not, I still want her too. I still can not understand it. I understand, but my brain cannot make the connection while reading. This makes reading this book very frustrating for me, as I am a very loud and express person and Kambili cannot be.
