Hits and Misses

     I have enjoyed the writing we did this year. As much of bother blogs could be some weeks, I really enjoyed the ones where I got to think outside of the box and stretch the prompts. I liked being able to find loopholes and make an interesting post out of a boring prompt.  I particularly liked my Pen and Paper, Kids Again., Stars, A Sunset, The Science Project,  and An Adventure posts. I always loved the personal narrative. I really loved being able to tell a personal story. I did really well on that assignment and only lost points for my grammar. 
    I did, however, struggle with the research project. I did not like having to organize all my work before I started writing. As a writer, I like to just think of my story and write it. Making outlines for my writing is never something I liked doing or ever wanted to do. My middle school English teacher never required me to make outlines so being required to do them is hard for me. I also just really love creative writing. It has always been my strong point so having to write with just facts proved to be a challenge for me. But after hard work, I was happy with the outcome of that project. 


  1. I love what you said about the blog posts. I totally agree with you! I like it when we can stretch the prompts or get a more interesting prompt.

  2. Some of the blog posts were interesting and I did not mind writing them at all. On the other hand some were miserable and took me forever.


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