Pen and Paper

      The day Pen met Paper was a glorious day. Why the world had never seen such a perfect pair. They were a power couple. They were the talk of the town. Everyone knew of the fabulous Pen and Paper. They two would lead daring adventures and tell wicked tales. They would be known to tell horrid rumors and they would be known to speak the utmost truth. They were called two-faced and they were called heroes. Pen and paper ruled the world. 
     One day Pen and Paper were greeted by a stranger. He went by the name of Keyboard. Keyboard was an odd looking fellow. There were whispers of who this new Keyboard was. Pen and Paper paid little attention to him as they had better things to do with their time. However, one day no one was listening to Pen and Paper anymore. They all gathered to meet Internet. The fiancé of Keyboard. The couple took the town by storm and poor Pen and Paper were forgotten. They moved to a house on the far end of town and there are still whispers of the old couple and their grand adventures. 


  1. This post is exceedingly interesting. I feel like Pen and Paper can get along with each other nowadays because I see them everyday.

  2. This is a bizarre yet interesting post. The only more iconic duo I can think of is Peanut Butter and Jelly.

  3. This is such a creative and hilarious post. Poor Pen and Paper! I hope they are still living happy lives. They must love teachers who assign essays that must be handwritten (cough, cough).


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