Student Prompt Post

Prompt: Talk about a piece of media (book, movie, musical, etc.) that you feel has influenced your life in some way

     I recently went to see the new movie The Greatest Showman. The Greatest Showman is an original musical loosely based on the life of P.T. Barnum. This is such an amazing movie, and I highly recommend it. Since this movie is so new, it's hard to say how much it has influenced my life. I know for a fact that it has influenced my music listening habits. The movie has a great message about not being afraid to be who you are. It is also an increbitible story about finding where you belong with people who love you for who you are.
    So, how has this movie influenced my life? Well, it speaks a truth I try to live by. I have learned to be me and let people I'm meant to be around and friends with find me. I am much happier since I let the right people find me. And they did. This movie has empowering quotes and a story that is relatable. The soundtrack makes me happy and remembers me that the world is what I make it.   


  1. I totally agree with you! The music being more modern instead of an 1800 time piece spoke to me as "you don't have to listen to what everyone else is doing." I feel like this message is throughout the movie, especially in "This is Me." I need to see the movie again!


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