First Semester Thoughts

      I quite enjoyed the first semester. It was fun finding a new rhythm. It hard to say what I learned that will help my next semester. I adjected according to my classes and teachers. Looking back there was never a point when I completely changed something in my routine. I will always come to school by at least 7:20 because drop off is crazy after that. I learned that I never have as much time as I think I do.  I also figured out a pattern of people I could walk with to each of my class. That just made the day more interesting as you never know what crazy thing you could talk about in five minutes. 
     As for the second semester, I hope to finish with at least the same if not better grades then I did in the first semester. I'm excited about sports this semester. Hopeful I will not get sick this semester and actually get to participate. I want to get better at the saxophone. I want Episcopal to win the competition in Disney World. I want to do a lot more things this semester, such as The Catholic High Math Tournament. I'm excited for the second half of freshman year!


  1. I like how you said that you hoped you wouldn't get sick this semester and could actually participate. I get sick all the time and it's annoying!


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