Being Honest

     I do not have anything to talk about. I have been trying to think of a good topic or a short story, but I am out of ideas. I did not want to talk about the weather because that's too obvious. But the weather is cold. Very, very, very cold. I do not like the cold. The cold is why I have to write this blog, and I am tired of being cold.
       There is not much to do when you can not go outside. We all are stuck inside and are supposed to be doing work. But in truth, we are all watching Netflix or YouTube, playing video games, or just sleeping. I think they should have school closed Friday as well. Because let's be honest, what can we do in one day? We are just going to be cold all day long and go home with a ton of homework. I say no school Friday! But we will see. I'm tired, and I am going to bed now. Goodnight!


  1. I like how you talked about things that everyone was doing like watching Netflix. I agree that we should not go to school on Friday too.

  2. I agree with you Addi. I was very cold just like you. I stayed inside with my dogs and watched Netflix and procrastinated doing my Emergency Closures.


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