
     The sunset was long. And as the sun lingered in the sky the first stars could be spotted. She stared up into the twinkling lights and smiled softly. There under the stars, she felt safe and like herself. There was something magical about the stars. They called upon her like the wind calls upon the trees. And she listened for them, always.  For some reason, she couldn't quite place, she always needed to see them at least once a day. They were her outlet from the world and she needed them.
    One day, her mother was offered a job in the city. So, she moved to the city. She amazing by all the lights and sounds and people. She took in everything and was excited to see the stars for the roof of her building for the first time. But when the sun had gone, she couldn't see the stars. Her mother told her that the city lights were too bright for her to see the stars. And she fell into despair. For she felt like she had lost apart of her. She had lost herself. 


  1. This was beautiful!! I love how I got backstory and an ending in such a short story.


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