Lord of the Flies

     I will be responding to the part when Ralph lets Piggy carry the conch. Throughout the entire story, Piggy has viewed the conch as having power. As we know the conch no longer has any real power since Jack has broken away. I think this shows us a lot about Piggy has a character. He is trying to hold on to that the last part of society left on the island. The conch is the last form of order the boys. 
    The conch has always been the symbol of power and order. Piggy has never really had a voice. I think that is why the conch is so important to him. For him, it gives him power and it gives him a voice. So, when Ralph lets Piggy carry the conch it the nicest thing Ralph could have done for him. The conch is not important anymore, so maybe its a way of showing us the Piggy is not important anymore. 
