
Have we lost the art of writing?
      When language was created, it wasn't long until written language was created. At first, writing was used to keep records, but it has become so much more than that. But with the invention of the internet and keyboards, less and fewer things are being handwritten. We are losing the art of physically writting. One of the beauties of handwriting something is a person's handwriting. Everyone has a different handwriting which made everyone writing more unique. Once you could actually see the flow of someone's writing. With the digital age that has been lost.
    But we have lost more than just the art of physical writing. We have the desire to write. Nowadays students hate writing, as they are forced to write about something they don't want to write about or simply are told they are not good. Anyone can write. Anyone can think up a story and write (or type) it. But that's not what teachers have students do. They have there students write essay and papers, but not stories. How will any of the next generations learn and love to write if they never get the chance to see where their brain can take them in a story of their own.
