Sign Language

     I am the type of person who finds something interesting and becomes obsessed with it. It can be a word, a movie, a show, a phrase, or literally anything. So right now I'm obsessed with sign language. I am watching the show Switched at Birth and one of the main characters in deaf, so there is a lot of sign language in the show. It is just so cool. And I don't know about you, but I talk with my hands. I think most of us do. I just like the idea of talking with your hands, and it's an actual language that someone knows or could learn. 
    I am not fluent in the language, and I don't think I ever will be but its fun to learn. The grammar is very different from English, but I do a lot of fingerspelling. As of right now, I know the alphabet and most of the numbers. I can also say little phrases like"My name is Addi." and "I know few signs. I do know fingerspelling." Oh and just a side note, only a deaf person can give you a name sign. So for now, I have to fingerspell my name.  It is a very fun, interesting language. 


  1. Sign language seems really interesting. It is truly amazing that even people who cannot hear can still communicate.

  2. It is really cool that you know some sign language. I bet it is a good skill to have.


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