
Dear 12-year-old,
      Middle school is not as important as you think so stop stressing. Just make good grades and have fun. Do your homework. It will keep your grade up believe it or not. Do not procrastinate. You'll need time management in high school so learn it now. Try everything. This way you'll know what you like and want to pursue in high school.
     Be nice. Being nice will get you farther in life than being mean. You don't have to like everyone or be friends with everyone but treat others with respect. Don't worry about what others think. Do what makes you happy. You'll have more fun that way. Don't worry about fitting in, instead stand out. Life is better when you do it your way.  

Signed a 14-year-old


  1. I like how you wrote about trying to get your younger self to "teach" yourself how to get through high school.


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