About Me

         My name is Addi. I play 3 sports. I play basketball, softball,  and I am on the powerlifting team. I have two siblings. I also have two nieces, a nephew, and another one on the way. I have been an aunt since I was in 6th grade. I have a dog. His name is Snickers. I also love being outside.
    I am very excited about this year. English is one of my favorite subjects. I am excited about the novels we are going to be reading. I hope to do a lot of creative writing. I expect this year to be fun and challenging.


  1. I really liked how this post gave me a good sense of who you are. I love English and dogs as well.

  2. I am going to play softball this year too and I can't wait to play with you! In my opinion, English is not my favorite subject (haha). I prefer math or science.

    1. Math is my other favorite subject. I can't wait to play with you on the softball field!

  3. It's interesting to hear that your favorite subject is English! I also liked your story about becoming an aunt!


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